Showing Tag: "italian" (Show all posts)

Colin Booth Italian Harpsichord renovation.

Posted by Peter Barnes on Monday, December 11, 2023, In : Hirings 

This magnificent harpsichord came to me in a bit of a state. It was originally made with 3 x 8' stops and unfortunately, due to neglect and storage in very dry conditions, the wrestplank lifted. 
The wrestplank and soundboard had then been removed and the keyboard shortened by two semitones at either end. 
This was a fun renovation and I now use this instrument, all 2.45m of it, as my main hiring harpsichord. It makes a wonderful sound although I do see people looking somewhat perplexed by the ...

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Italian Harpsichord by Peter Stephens

Posted by Peter Barnes on Tuesday, March 8, 2022, In : New Harpsichords 
I am currently completing a beautifully made Italian harpsichord which will shortly be for sale. Built from plans for a false inner/outer harpsichord with C-d3 transposing compass, this harpsichord will make a splendid continuo instrument!

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Gregori timber ready for cutting

Posted by Peter Barnes on Saturday, January 23, 2021, In : New Harpsichords 
Here we have it. The timber for a Gregori Harpsichord case, lid and stand. With a nice Beech wrestplank on top.

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Like the first harpsichord I ever made.

Posted by Peter Barnes on Wednesday, February 1, 2012, In : Second-hand 
I've just bought an Italian harpsichord which has been superbly made from a Zuckermann kit in about 1976. I made my first harpsichord from the same type of kit in 1973 and have a soft spot for these little instruments. The kits were made by Wallis Zuckermann when he retired to Devon and needed something to do. 
  It is said that one summer in a garden shed will finish off any harpsichord. It is particularly true of these instruments because they were made from ply wood in order to keep down co...
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About Me

Harpsichord Maker, restorer, repairer and vendor.