Showing category "working on..." (Show all posts)

Video tour of my workshop.

Posted by Peter Barnes on Saturday, June 12, 2021, In : working on... 
Here we have a video tour of my workshop, and the instruments that I have been working on: 

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c.1800 English double bass in for repair

Posted by Peter Barnes on Saturday, January 23, 2021, In : working on... 
I feel sorry for this instrument and sincerely hope that I can do it justice. Some jobs feel like a labour of love even before you start them.

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Work during the second lockdown:

Posted by Peter Barnes on Monday, September 14, 2020, In : working on... 
In preparation for a probable second lockdown, I have been accumulating cedarwood, and instruments to repair and service.
I have a lovely 1800's double bass to rebuild a Flemish Double to finish, a Dolmetch harpsichord with a 16' stop to refurbish and several Italian harpsichords to make. I may occasionally come out of my workshop to sleep and eat.....
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Delin Double Lovely Legs!

Posted by Peter Barnes on Monday, June 29, 2020, In : working on... 
I have has fun making this stand from solid oak. It weighs about 17kg!

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Hass Clavichord stringing.

Posted by Peter Barnes on Friday, May 15, 2020, In : working on... 
Here is a photo of today's progress with finishing a clavichord started in 1976. Nearly there at last! 
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De Blaise Double finished, Hass Clavichord started.

Posted by Peter Barnes on Saturday, May 9, 2020, In : working on... 
Here is a link to my latest YouTube Video on harpsichord tuning. I had a bit of fun with that one!
Now the De Blaise is finished, I'm working on the Hass Clavichord that you can just see on my bench on the right of this photo. It is going to be painted in Green, with a Red interior. I'm so looking forward to hearing it!

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Clavichord Tuning Tutorial

Posted by Peter Barnes on Sunday, May 3, 2020, In : working on... 
A lifetime of clavichord tuning and maintenance tips condensed onto just ten minutes!

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Business During Corona Virus Outbreak in U.K.

Posted by Peter Barnes on Tuesday, March 24, 2020, In : working on... 
Grim times. I'm lucky to have plenty of work to do at home. A huge De Blaise double to renovate, a Delin to finish, a Zuckermann Italian to rebuild and paint, timber for two more cases and plenty of workshop tidying up to do!

I have a new web page to tell you what I charge for selling used instruments (10% commission for instruments over £3000) and what information to send me so I can continue to list new instruments on my site.

Many musicians are offering online lessons, which is a great idea...
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Hubert copy clavichord to finish...

Posted by Peter Barnes on Sunday, December 30, 2018, In : working on... 
Having had time off to sail across the Atlantic, I’m enjoying being back in the workshop again. 
You don’t have to sail 600 miles away from the nearest land in order to enjoy a digital detox. Just leave your iPhone in the kitchen while you go and play the Harpsichord for an hour a day. The joy of sailing by the stars and a magnetic compass was liberating. A flat that is not to hot, not too cold, too dry or too damp provides an ideal environment for you as well as your Harpsichord. If the c...
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Back on Harpsichord repairs after a long break!

Posted by Peter Barnes on Monday, August 13, 2018, In : working on... 
Two double basses, and quite a bit of sailing later, I’m now taking on Harpsichord repairs again. My father’s 1971 Italian Harpsichord has been restrung and revoiced with new plectra, and is now back in Cambridge, and the latest project is a 1960 American double by Herz which requires new tongue springs.
The original springs moulded as part of the jack body were failing after 58years, so, inspired by Morley jack springs, here are the new ones on the left. Only 189 to do!
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Double Bass under construction.

Posted by Peter Barnes on Tuesday, October 17, 2017, In : working on... 
I am now making my second double bass. the table is now carved and is made from solid Spruce. The case sides, back, neck and scroll are Sycamore and the fingerboard is ebony.
It should be ready to play some time in 2018, by which time I hope our government will have abandoned Brexit! 
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Restoration of 1962 John Barnes harpsichord after Kirchmann.

Posted by Peter Barnes on Monday, August 14, 2017, In : working on... 
Having sold all my harpsichords except one, it is high time that i replaced the steel strings with Malcolm Rose's lovely iron wire, and while I am about it, I'll replace action felt with traditional woven cloth. Most enjoyable!
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John Storrs Harpsichord and Clavichord.

Posted by Peter Barnes on Monday, July 17, 2017, In : working on... 
Bought from a storage unit in Bognor Regis; two unmade sets of parts for a harpsichord and a clavichord have been made, sold and delivered. Here is a photo of the harpsichord before the lid papers went on:

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Reconditioning 1995 Goble Double after Zell. Dec 2016

Posted by Peter Barnes on Monday, December 19, 2016, In : working on... 
Lift in storage for two years, this harpsichord had suffered from damp. All the iron strings were rusted through!
The Harpsichord is now re-strung with Malcolm Rose's lovely wire, and ready to return to work.

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Delin Spinet Commission

Posted by Peter Barnes on Tuesday, November 15, 2016, In : working on... 
Back in the workshop after three weeks at sea on the Bay of Biscay, and time to finish a Paris Workshop spinet kit for a loyal customer. A great short cut to making good instruments, these kits are well made and sensibly designed.

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Paris Workshop Double finished.

Posted by Peter Barnes on Sunday, March 27, 2016, In : working on... 
Here is a picture of the French Double which I have completed for a customer in France. It will be leaving here soon, which is a pity, since it sounds lovely!

Gold leaf, Little Greene paint, and a lot of work!
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New instruments and no more harpsichord repairs....

Posted by Peter Barnes on Friday, November 6, 2015, In : working on... 

In 2016, I am planning a change of direction, from repairs to the making of new instruments. Once the second-hand instruments listed on my home page have sold there will be very few coming in to take their place.... so please buy now to avoid disappointment!

I am currently working on a new English Harpsichord, strung in iron, with a beautiful soundboard painting in the style of Coston by Jennifer Douglas. It will be finished by Easter 2016, and after this there will be more new instruments ...

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This, or a new Soundboard.

Posted by Peter Barnes on Monday, August 10, 2015, In : working on... 
Here is the modification which I have made to pull down the cut-off bar of a Zuckerman Flemish harpsichord which I have for sale. It had been kept in damp conditions in Devon, causing the timber to expand, the pitch to rise, the tension to increase and the soundboard to rise up and touch the strings.
Let this be a lesson to all harpsichord owners - one summer in a damp place can seriously damage your instrument!
The aim or the repair is to minimise the damping effect of pulling down the soundb...
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New look for the website.

Posted by Peter Barnes on Monday, July 27, 2015, In : working on... 
I hope you like the new, uncluttered look. I've taken away all the brightly coloured boxes and replaced them with a simple outline and tried to make the layout the same for each instrument. Having looked at other website providers I still think Yola is fantastic and I'd recommend them to everyone. 
Just to cheer you up, here is a photo of me sailing last week in the boat I've restored. I went on a 'Day Skipper' course and this is a passage from Lymington to the Isle of White. Everyone needs a ...
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Re-voicing, re-stringing, re-voicing...

Posted by Peter Barnes on Friday, April 17, 2015, In : working on... 
Between the odd bit of sailing,( details on ), I've been revoicing and restringing a number of 1970's instruments, the latest, a Mark Stevenson Virginal, has turned into a surprisingly good sounding instrument. Based on an English virginal, the plucking points are closer to the end of the strings than is typical for Italian instruments and, now that it has lighter strings, the sound is charming and the repetition fast. Lucky Francis Knights!
The one before this, an English Spine...
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Work pending.....

Posted by Peter Barnes on Monday, December 23, 2013, In : working on... 
Sadly, any new work will have to wait 10 weeks while I finish making a spinet, replace strings and re-voice one, or possibly two harpsichords and replace plectra and voice two virginals and a spinet. It's nice to be busy, but I'll be happier when I can fit in small tasks round the longer term renovations. Just now, making an English Harpsichord to replace the one I've just sold looks a long way off!
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Back to the workshop with Storrs Harpsichord and EMS Bent-side Spinet.

Posted by Peter Barnes on Saturday, November 16, 2013, In : working on... 
Greenwich is over and I'm enjoying working at home again. I'm voicing three registers on a Storrs harpsichord and making the case of a mature Bent-side spinet after Keene and Brackley. I'm so lucky to enjoy the work I do! Let's see, it's Saturday evening, I think I'll go and do a bit of harpsichord making!
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Marble case painting - new for 2013!

Posted by Peter Barnes on Monday, May 27, 2013, In : working on... 
Jenny starts throwing on the paint! and hours later, the final touches:Priceless Green Marble from the world famous marble mines of North Somerset.
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Soundboard Painting finished.

Posted by Peter Barnes on Wednesday, May 22, 2013, In : working on... 
Jenny has just finished the Green Zuckermann's soundboard painting. Photos to follow. I've been re-painting a case with black paint and have some beautiful turned legs to make a stand with.
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Greenwich Early Music Show - Thursday-Saturday.

Posted by Peter Barnes on Monday, September 10, 2012, In : working on... 
I'll be running the Early Music Shop's Keyboard Instruments stand as usual this year. It's in the Greenwich Royal Naval College in Greenwich. Each year visitors experience problems with transport on Sunday, so this year it's running from Thursday to Saturday, 8th-10th November.  Details on
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Work in January 2012

Posted by Peter Barnes on Friday, January 6, 2012, In : working on... 
I'm starting the New Year with two cases to paint, a huge Feldberg with a 16-foot to renovate, a Flemish Single to make from a Storrs kit (Jenny has started to paint the soundboard) and, once I'm finished with that, the Clayson and Garret double to service. It's a great time to hide in a nice warm workshop!
Don't forget to check your humidity if it gets very cold again. Below 45% and you may well be making more work for some harpsichord maker....
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About Me

Harpsichord Maker, restorer, repairer and vendor.